Track my Progress- 166 interim goal

Weight Loss Blogs and Forums

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Down 1.4 in 4 days

Okay, it is day 4 and I weighed in today because I set my weigh in day on WWOnline to be Tuesdays. Tuesday's are my alone evening, and I also go dance for 2 hrs. I wasn't sure how to list the activity so I said it was 40 min of Moderate, 20 min of High, and 1 hr of low intensity. Works out to 8 activity points, but that seems high to me. I love Israeli Folk Dancing!!!!! I think I mentioned this ages and ages ago.
Yay for having made it this far. It is 10:54pm with is way past my bed time so I am going to bed- especially since Aba Le Arba :) is teaching a Europe class this week so he is having to get up in 3 hrs to get ready and drive to the office to start teaching at 3am. Which means I have to get up extra early so I can do my 8 minutes in the morning exercises before rounding up the horde and getting them dressed to take Itai to school. But we will get through it. It is just for 2 more days.

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