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Friday, January 30, 2009

Quilt update- and before and after pics of me

Okay- first the quilt update- I have finished ironing the squares for both quilts- now I am squaring them up. I don't understand how I got so far off on some of those- but it is all good, I will make it work. It is obviously going to take a while to square them up since I have 64 of each quilt.

Have you heard of They so rock. I sent in a picture of me and they did a digital nip and tuck to show an after picture if I lost 40 pounds- check this out:


Thursday, January 29, 2009

As Promised- Quilt Pictures

I still haven't made much progress- I have ironed all the bw squares, Now to do the Pink and Sage Green- but I have delayed long enough on posting pictures so here ya go.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Follow along Quilt (s)

I am following along with the YCMT quilt a thon- you can link for more information by clicking on the graphic on the right hand side. You might have noticed that I posted about this a while back to help me chose a color theme- since I only got two comments- I went with BOTH color schemes so I am making a black/white/Aqua quilt and a pink/cream/and sage green quilt. I of course have taken pictures and not posted them because I am at work so check back this evening and I will post them.
Kim posted step 7 today- but I am still on step 2 (don't tell her, okay?) I am on the ironing the new squares part- next I will square them up and sew them into pinwheels, and square them again. Is there a support group for people who are way far behind?
This is my very first quilts so I am going slow and making sure I do it right, because I want to be able to do something with what I have made. Maybe a gift or to decorate the guest bedroom?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some Big Changes are coming!

I am going to be making a new header and changing up my backgrounds. For those of you waiting for my quilt pictures- I am working on it. As I say on facebook- it isn't the taking pictures that takes so long- its the uploading and editing :)
Keep watching, cause things are happening!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Do you Israeli Folk Dance?

I do! We have a very small group here in Austin, but we are looking for more and a teacher too.
There is a dance camp coming up at the end of March- Kochavim 2009. They are a wonderful camp- hosted by the dancing group out of San Antonio.
Last years Kochavim was a blast and they didn't stop dancing! They danced at the pool, they danced on the lawn, and they danced everynight until 3 or 4 in the morning.
I am looking forward to this years. You can view their link at although they haven't updated it yet.
This years brochure is digital- I can't seem to figure out how to attach it so you can email me for it (go to my profile and click on email me)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Torn between 2 color schemes

So I was out shopping yesterday at Joann's. I want to do the Make a Quilt thing from YCMT (see the graphic to the right). I found just tons I could have used- but I couldn't decide between pink and sage green or black and white with retro teal accents. Somebody help me decide. I will post pictures this evening. I have to get to work cutting them and sewing them into pinwheels so try to post/comment today.
Thanks in advance!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Winners of the Name the Blog Contest

Mama Krit, Turtle, and 3 Prince designs- please email me your address because you win :)
I am going to go with Ima Le Arba and will just make a nice little banner to explain it all. Maybe its silly- but I feel that it defines me- I am a mother of 4 wonderful small human beings and I can't imaging being called anything else.
If you have a specific request for your prize let me know- I have so much stash I am sure I can accomodate. (no machines though heehee)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Making it up Quilt

For those who don't know, Kim at is making a quilt. Not just any quilt, this is a super dooper, super easy quilt- broken down with step by step directions. Now I have to chose what fabrics from my humongous stash. Black and White might be fun :) . Today is step 4 and 5. Here is the link to the YCMT blog .
If you have been hiding under a rock, and haven't read any of the rest of my blog- you still need to know this: You Can Make is a wonderful site where you can find ebooks on how to make just about anything- aprons, children's boutique clothing, purses, bags, baby blankets, etc. There are sewing patterns, crochet and knitting patterns, paper crafting, digital scrapbooking, and so much more (even some adult and tween sewing patterns, not just children). If you haven't been to the website you should go at least once. I love YCMT and even was chosen to participate in their Thrifty under Fifty challenge right before the holidays. I was on Team Carla along with some wonderful teammates. The link to their blogs are in my profile so feel free to check them out.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Blog Name? contest?

So since the Thrifty Fifty is over- I was thinking of changing my blog name- but I can't seem to think of anything clever- so howabout a contest?
The winning blog name will get a special care package from me- maybe fabric, maybe scrapbooking, maybe both, maybe something already made.
Here are somethings to go off of: I have 4 children- all 6 yrs old and younger. My husband is Israeli- so if you can think of something clever in hebrew, bring it on. My sign on name for a lot of places is imalearba4 (ima le arba is mother to 4 in hebrew). We don't have any pets- my kids are desperately afraid of dogs (don't ask me why, I haven't figured that out). I like to do crafts, sewing, scrapbooking, beading, knitting, crocheting, etc. I can't draw worth anything, but if Carla wanted to make me a cute little person like hers on the Scientific Seamstress blog, I wouldn't say no.
So have fun, be creative. I could use Imalearba- but people get confused about that sometimes.
To enter just make a comment to this post.

Monday, January 5, 2009

This amazes me!

This story affects anyone who handcrafts any items meant for children- If this passes it will require that goodwill test any items for children for lead. Including clothing! So all of us that handmake items for sale would have to pay a private firm to test the clothing we make. The article is here:,0,2083247.story
Now- keep in mind that I am sure that if your yarn company certifies their yarn is lead free then you can pretty much use their statement for your product- but what if they don't have it tested- because say the yarn was not intended only for children- then you have to pay to have it tested before you can post it on etsy- or for sale through a boutique.
Goodwill says they are going to have to take all the children's clothes to the landfill- but the truckload! Wow. So all of us who are donating clothing to goodwill when our kids outgrow it are going to be affected to- even if we don't sell it.
This is absolutely absurb- I understand toys- especially that crisis that we had last year- but clothing? Sweaters? Babywraps, even cotten birdseye cloth diapers? This is going to raise the cost even at Walmart for clothes. AAAAH!

Back to Work

Well, it is time to get back to work. I have worked from home for the last month, but I am back in the office today. So if I don't pop in or comment on any blogs- that is where I am. I usually can manage to get on facebook though so you can add me if you wish (Teresa Pomerantz).
Poor Tamar is sick today- she was up all night coughing and feverish. I gave her a breathing treatment around 11pm which helped some- but we are all tired and cranky today. Itai is being such a good brother and helping entertain her at home with Aba.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year to You!

Here in the Pomerantz household we are gearing up for a fabulous new year starting with our resolutions. Here are a few of mine:
1. enjoy the quiet moments
2. more crafting
3. resume going to the gym on a regular basis (4 times a week for bodyjam)
4. I am not going to resolve to lose weight since that isn't effective- instead I am resolving to get healthy this year.
5. To have my crooked teeth straightened and whitened.
6. To work with Itai on writing
Hope your resolves are attainable.